The Perry Township Education Foundation is always looking for active, dedicated volunteers who want to make a difference in the lives of the students and staff of Perry Township! We would love for you to share your talents with us and have opportunities ranging from administrative work, committee roles, and event day volunteers. If you’re interested in being involved as an event day volunteer, administrative volunteer, committee member, or board member, please fill out the Become a Volunteer form or contact our office.

We are always so grateful to those who are willing to volunteer at our events. Without our volunteers, our events wouldn’t be nearly as successful as they are! Our annual events include:
Spring Celebration
Annual Golf Outing
Coach Hathaway Running South

Committee volunteer
The Foundation has multiple committees that are staffed by volunteers, and we always look forward to maximizing talents on our various committees.
Coach Hathaway Running South
Golf Outing
Public Relations
Teacher Appreciation

board member
Are you interested in serving as a board member for Perry Township Education? Please contact our Executive Director at 317.789.2395 to learn more about the role of a board member as well as the commitment of time, talents, and treasures.